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An Evidential Mediumship Reading with me: What to expect.

Writer's picture: Maria RodriguezMaria Rodriguez

Updated: Oct 28, 2024

There are different types of Mediumship with many areas of specialties within that umbrella. Two of which is: Evidential Mediumship where I communicate with your passed Loved One and Spiritual where I communicate with your team of Guides & Angels. In a session you can focus on one or a blend of both.

We will specifically delve into the Evidential Mediumship in this blog post.

An evidential mediumistic reading usually begins with messages that give you evidence that your loved one in spirit is truly communicating with the medium. However, it may start with a message first then the evidence is sprinkled all throughout. It's not always a cookie cutter pattern but the common theme in every reading is there will be information you can identify and validate which I cannot possibly already know.

We all have the capability to communicate with Spirits, but a Professional Medium is trained in learning the language of Spirit and the practice of understanding how the mechanics of the communication process works with the Spirit World. I have been witnessing the world of Spirits since I was a little girl. However, I started to train professionally on how to communicate with them and be a clear channel for them for the purpose of a Professional Mediumship reading since 2014.

Each Medium has their own unique way of communicating with Spirit in a Mediumship Reading. I use my Clair senses to interpret what the Spirit is communicating in form of telepathy, flashes of images in our mind's eye, words, sounds, and physical/emotional feeling. Depending on how your Loved One primarily communicates... I'll may smell a scent, get a taste of something familiar, a thought/word/image drops into my mind, they will use my body to make me feel something they experienced/suffered from/gone through while living.

The information given by your Spirit person is never wrong. It is in the interpretation on our end where it gets tricky sometimes. We are the translators. The Medium in which they can communicate through. Hence the word Medium. Mediums are not always 100% accurate in the relaying of the information we channel because of the possibility of misinterpreting what we receive. Spirit is never wrong, it's my interpretation of it that may be wrong. Just as we all sometimes do in conversation with someone else. We each have our own filters and bias even though we do our best to set those aside. What this means is if your Loved One communicates clairvoyantly throughout the reading where he/she drops an image in my mind's eye, I may interpret it as one thing when they intended it to be something else. When we misinterpret, we count on YOU to let us know if you YES you understand, NO you don't understand, or it's a MAYBE because you are unsure on whether you can/can't take that piece of evidence... so we can go back to your Spirit Person and ask them to present it in another way that will make sense to me and you. Sometimes they will give us the image that will trigger the word or words we channel in order for you to KNOW what they are talking about. It's actually very clever of them! They use all of my faculties during this process.

A Mediumship Reading is a form of healing. It's one of the resources we all have to help us process grief, bring closure, comfort us and guide us. So, keep in mind, your departed Loved one(s) will address whatever needs to be addressed in your 1 on 1 session or to whomever needs it in a group reading setting.

A Mediumship Reading helps heals grief, proves to you they live on, and brings validations to you that your Loved ones are still present in your life. They have never really left you but just have transitioned into another form of existence - as a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly! One thing to remember is: Energy can never be destroyed, only transformed. Everything and everyone is energy.


Before a session, I ask that you set the intention of who you want to communicate with and ask them to show up. So go ahead and talk to your Loved One in Spirit prior to the reading. Ask them to meet you in our session. Talk to them as if you were talking over the telephone with him/her. However please keep in mind while this is successful, there have been instances where there is not a guarantee that they will come through. Sometimes, depending on what you truly need at that time in your life with determine the Spirit who is most needed to come through. I set the intention for you to receive what you need whether it be healing or inspiration. And if that means that the Divine has another plan on who comes through for you for that healing to occur for what you most need at that moment, then someone else will come through for you.

Next important thing to do when preparing for your reading, is your state of mind and heart. You will need to be relaxed and in a state of receptivity. Come in with an open heart and mind. So, prepare to be ready receive by taking a few deep breaths just before your session. This will calm your nervous system and set the intention to open your heart to receive the communication/connection. I can also walk you through a short, guided meditation to help you with this at the beginning of your session if you feel you need help with this. A Mediumship reading is a 3-point energy connection: Me, You and Spirit. Which means we all play an energetic part in the session.

Another element to be mindful of here is temporary psychic amnesia on your part. Sometimes you may not remember a piece of information that comes through during the session but will remember after the session. We do that all the time when we converse with the living. It's termed "psychic amnesia" but I like to call it temporary psychic amnesia. Because of the sheer volume of the information that is coming through the frequency is so high due to the nature of the communication, we get floaty or lofty which can make us forget a core memory we have. This effects your ability to remember or focus. It can be quite overwhelming and cause a short-term memory lapse. It's only when we are fully grounded after a session that the memory will come back. So, in this case, the interpretation of the information being relayed is 100% accurate on the Mediums' part but you are the one who can't remember at that particular moment. Every now and then during a mediumship reading, a client will draw a complete blank. Here is an example of how that goes...

  • I might say, “I'm given the name Mario...Do you know a Mario or a name starting with a "MAR..."? However, after being given this name, the client will insist they have never heard of a “Mario.”

    Later in the reading, a light bulb will go off for the client and they’ll say, “Oh my god, Maria was my grandmother's name!”

  • OR they might contact me the week after the reading to say they found out that they did have a relative by this name.

Another reason why you would not remember is you are being given information that you aren’t completely familiar with because it might have been before your time. You might have to go home and speak to your own parents or grandparents or another relative to verify the information. Which is why always encourage you to revisit/confirm those pieces of evidence after the reading with your family and friends if you can.

Spirit is intelligent

When we get information from those who have passed on, they can give us details about their lives. They can name relatives you may have either forgotten or just weren’t aware of as well. They may also show or tell you about how they transitioned, their pets, hobbies, clubs and organizations they belonged to, awards they won, homes/places they’ve lived, jobs they’ve held (which you may not be familiar with) or tell you about who they are with on the other side. I always let Spirit lead the conversation on what they want to talk about and what they give (I find) is for a reason. So please do not hold any expectations on what you want or are expecting them to talk about.

Keep in mind - Spirits retain their basic personalities when they transition. Don’t expect someone who was shy and not a talker to be any different in a reading. This is part of the evidence that they are giving us.

Dealing with details - If you can (and I know this is easier said than done), the best thing to do is write everything down. When you get home contact other relatives who may be able to give you more detail about the names you were given. Spirits does not give out random information. It may seem random but there is a reason for it. If they’re giving you something it’s because they know with a bit of digging, you’ll be able to verify it. They can be persistent with delivering that piece of information.


Once the session starts, I begin by explaining how it will go and how it works. Here is what you can expect how our interaction will go:

  • Set the intention to open your heart and energy for the communication session

  • I ask that you give me YES, NO, or I DON"T KNOW or I'M NOT SURE answer when I give you a piece of information I’m interpreting/relaying from Spirit. Sometimes I misinterpret and your answer will help me to know whether I need to go back and ask your Spirit Person to present what they are giving me in a different way so I can understand what they are trying to communicate. We are not 100 accurate all of the time. It's just like communicating someone who is alive where sometimes we misunderstand. I rely on your YES and NO answers to help confirm who I'm connecting. Keep in mind, it may not be me but you who has forgotten the piece of information that is coming through from them. I've seen it where people have completely forgotten a piece of evidence that has come through and then call me after the session to let me know what came through was indeed correct.

  • I will ask if you have someone specific you want to connect with. I will explain even though your focus is on calling in your departed loved one to call him/her in, sometimes other loved ones in spirit will accompany them. However, the chances of the one you want to speak to is highly likely to happen. Sometimes another departed Loved one will come in afterwards in which case I will start connecting to the other soul or it can happen the other way around.

  • There will be times thorough out the session where I may drop the link in order to converse with you. When I re-link with the Soul, you may see me gaze off to the side while I speak or get up and move around as the energy of their connection and communication flows through me.

  • Know that every soul communicates differently and presents what they want to express in their own way using my body, mind and my spiritual senses (aka clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognizance, clairalience, clairaudience, clairgustance)

  • Remember sometimes what you think you need may not be a communication with the Soul you had in mind but with another Soul you know on the other side if healing is was needed at this point in your life

And that's a wrap! I will update this as I remember things to include but this is the gist of it. And as always, feel free to email me if you have any questions on how this works or are still unclear about it :)

Sending Love,




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