Need a little extra support as the New Moon approaches? The Crystal that can be a huge help for this New Moon in Pisces is the Blue Lace Agate.

Chakra: Throat
Zodiac: Gemini & Pisces
Element: Water & Air
Numerology: 5
Planets: Mercury & Neptune
Physical Healing Properties
• Soothes skin problems associated with redness and irritation.
• Guards against sleepwalking and promotes good sleep.
• Relieves tension-related headaches and high blood pressure.
• Helps to accelerate the repair of throat and lymph infections.
Mental & Emotional Healing Properties
• Promotes self-acceptance and confidence.
• Helps to overcome negativity and bitterness of the heart.
• Encourages a sense of reality and pragmatic thinking.
• Uncovers hidden circumstances that might interfere us.
Spiritual Healing Properties
• Endows you with a strong sense of peace and serenity.
• Helps you feel lighter, more hopeful, and more optimistic.
• Links us more closely to our spiritual guides.
• Unites thoughts with actions so the spirit can purify the soul.
Affirmation ~
“I gently speak my truth and release all fears around judgements”
#bluelaceagate #crystalallies #crystalsupport #energywork #energyalchemy #newmoon #februarynewmoon #newmooninpisces
Info Credit: Healing Crystals deck by Amcisi