We are always told to shift our perception on a situation if it isn't to our liking, if we can't come to terms with it or when we want to better our situation.
The shift in your perception IS truly a powerful thing. It's just getting ot the other side of that which requires work.
Sometimes this may feel like faking it (until you make it) or living a lie at first when attempting to do so. This is because you are attempting to reprogram old programming, an old narrative. It will feel unnatural at first but this is normal. Sometimes we are ready for it. And sometimes we are not.
This would be those moments when you train for or learn a skill/modality and you still feel like you aren't qualified enough, ready yet or you feel like you need more training because it doesn't quite "fit" like a glove. Have you ever felt like that at some point or another?
Especially in the beginning, these are the vulnerable moments where you feel like you need more training upon more training because of fear of not being good enough.
Because you feel like whatever it is you trained in, learned or studied for isn't, well, YOU. Even though this is the very thing that drives you, ignites passion within you and excites you. This passion is the reason why you want to be the best you can be. And the fear of not doing your best or not ever getting to that point is the reason why you feel like you aren't good enough. And so this perpetual pattern ensues...
Perhaps you are that Medical Intern equipped with the training, knowledge, hands on experiential practice.... or the qualified Substitute Teacher working to get her foot in the door for a permanent Teacher's position but hate the temporary-ness of substitute teaching. Or from the Reiki Healing Practitioner who pursued and attained all levels certifications upon countless additional training in many other different healing modalities, having years of metaphysical study and practice...To the Psychic Medium who has seen spirits all of her life but has gone through years worth of training to learn how to communicate with the spirit realm to bring healing messages to others. This applies to everyone for whatever it is... whether it is for a trade, a skill or role that you have trained in.
How do you think that starts? It starts with the feeling of uncomfortable-ness of the unknown territory of learning to do it and learning to make it your own.
It may feel like you do not quite fit into that particular role just yet and wonder if you ever will. That is the resistance you feel that bubbles up in you telling you to run the other way.
This fact remains...YOU ARE MORE THAN QUALIFIED.
The secret sauce? You keep at it until you have learned, practiced, and mastered it …until it fits.
Deep down you know you are able and capable. Keep at it until you step into YOUR power. Until you feel like it fits like a glove. You hit it every chance you get. When the time comes, you will notice that it just...clicks...and something inside of you says "Yaasss, this is me!"
When that shift happens, it WILL feel like it FITS.
And there will be varying levels of this. As you keep going, you build momentum and you will go deeper into new levels of identifying with your work.
Here is the thing....you wouldn't be doing this unless you were passionate about it, unless it was the very spark that fuels you. When you are passionate about what you are doing whether you feel like you are or aren't yet qualified, you are doing it because SOMETHING within you is driving you. And that SOMETHING is within your soul. And that SOMETHING is a calling. If you throw your hands up and walk away from it (and you will as you will attempt to at many points throughout your journey), that very SOMETHING will nag/nudge at you until you go back to it. It is a passion you cannot deny.
At some point, if this has been going on for far too long, you will have to call yourself out on this feeling of inadequacy to work through that resistance. You May have to do some shadow work (aka bringing to light and healing the subconscious programming/belief system or energy that is holding you back). The key here is to work through the resistance.
When you feel like giving up and have done the work, remind yourself:
...of ALL those hours of study and training have been accomplished. Of ALL that work you put in is not in vain. If you HAVEN'T started, it won't happen unless you start doing the work. If you HAVE started, keep going and it will all fall into place!
What happens once you are doing the work? Things will shift, things will happen and it will all flow. I know this all too well. It will happen and there is a difference. You already know the path. Walking the path is key.
The shift in your perception IS a powerful thing. It's THE most powerful thing. You ARE a Powerful Being.
Sending you many blessings 💕